Contamos con el servicio más confiable de envíos desde New York y New Jersey a Mexico
Rate includes
Servicio libras de peso o volumen
- Envío mínimo de 10 lb con un precio base de USD $43 y de USD $3.50 por cada libra adicional, sea peso o volumen.
Servicio sin limite de peso
- Caja 12x12x12 en USD $48
- Caja 16x16x16 en USD $145
- Caja 18x18x18 en USD $208
- Caja 20x20x20 en USD 308
- Caja 22x22x22 en USD $354
- Caja 24x24x24 en USD $436
Ambos servicios incluyen un seguro que cubre $100 dólares por pérdida total de la carga.
- Insurance included in the rate covers $100 for total loss of cargo.
- If you wish to insure your shipment for a higher amount, you may do so for an additional cost of USD $8 per USD $100 insured.
Note: Please note that the insurer will only cover the insured amount at the time of shipment, we recommend that you insure your shipment for the amount you feel comfortable recovering in the event of an incident.
Dimensions / Weight
- Dimensions: Shipments should not exceed 1 meter on each side of the box.
- Weight: Maximum weight of 80 lbs.
Delivery time
*15 a 20 días hábiles aproximadamente*.
- Remember that working days do not include weekends or holidays. This time starts to run from the moment the package leaves our offices.
- Keep in mind that The Courier Expert is not responsible for airline delays or situations beyond the company's control such as weather changes and/or natural disasters, among others.
Keep in mind
- We recommend laminating and strapping the box for a better protection of the physical integrity of your shipment, this has an additional cost of USD $10.